Monday, March 7, 2011

The Dinner Garden

Trees are starting to bud. Daffodils are starting to sprout. I've even hung out my hammock-although I still can't use it everyday. All this makes me long for fresh veggies and visits to the farmer's market-better yet, I can't wait to get my own garden growing again! That got me thinking about all the amazing options I have. I could spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on seeds and plants, but I don't really have that right now. I imagine I'm not the only one that is thinking the same thing, so I decided to get in touch with The Dinner Garden who I have followed on Facebook for quite awhile now.

If you haven't heard of the Dinner Garden, I strongly encourage you to check them out. They are a great non-profit organization whose goal is to help people (especially those who may not otherwise be able to afford it) grow their own vegetables. To accomplish this, they have distributors in many states that you can get free seeds from. If they don't have one near you, you can contact them directly. They also have a wealth of information on their website including recipes, gardening info, and even activities for kids. More importantly, there is also a place to donate to their cause. This isn't a post all about raising money, but I feel it's important to at least mention. Although they are doing this out of the goodness of their heart, it still cost money to ship the seeds to you. I'd encourage anyone that receives seeds to at least donate $1. Any little bit helps, right? addition to all this information about this great organization, I am happy to say that I have received about 25 seed packets from them to give to all of you! I'm keeping one for myself though to put in my own garden. :)

Want to know what goodies are in store if you if you request seeds from me? Well here's what you get:
  1. Tomato Hybrid
  2. Marquesa Onion
  3. Heirloom Sweet Bell Peppers (Yellow, Red, Chocolate)
  4. Organic Asian Melon
  5. Organic Delicata Squash
  6. Organic Bush Snap Bean
  7. Heirloom Cauliflower Violetta Italia
  8. Organic Marketmore 76 Cucumber
  9. Organic Radish
  10. Parsnip
 Let me know you want a packet by commenting here or on the Better Than Broke Facebook page!


  1. I so would love a seed pack, and did I mention how much I love this blog..

  2. I would love some seeds!!! Plus they are organic - Sweet!!! Thanks.

  3. Okay, so I will plant all of the above plus a variety of peppers and tomatos and squash. I am hoping to supplement my fresh food supply by planting at home to reduce my grocery budget. I will also try my hand at a variety of herbs. One will definately be mint that I can add to my mojitos to drink by my pool!! yay for summer:) now if it will just hurry up and get here soon!!
